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Residents of The Woodlands Speak Out Against Incorporation

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Residents of The Woodlands Speak Out Against Incorporation

Residents of The Woodlands are speaking up against the risky, rushed and expensive effort to incorporate our community.

Montgomery County Precinct 3 Commissioner James Noack spoke to the Commercial Real Estate Association of safety, roads, taxes and our quality of life. At the same event, former State Representative Rob Eissler spoke about h Montgomery County Precinct 3 Commissioner James Noack spoke to the Commercial Real Estate Association of Montgomery County about the risks of incorporation. He addressed the impact incorporating would have on public safety, roads, taxes and our quality of life. At the same event, former State Representative Rob Eissler spoke about his time in the legislature, his efforts to protect The Woodlands from annexation, and how forced annexation is ILLEGAL in Texas today.  CLICK HERE to watch the video.

Long-time resident of The Woodlands Danny Signorelli joined J.J. Hollie, President and CEO of The Woodlands Area Chamber of Commerce, for a conversation about the dangers of incorporation and the financial miscalculations presented in the Township Board’s financial model.

He does a great job breaking down the financial aspects of incorporation and its impact on residents and businesses. It’s worth your time to take a listen and is a great resource to share. You can find it HERE.

Cindy Bryson, a 32 plus-year resident of The Woodlands, is lending her voice to the effort against incorporation. In a new video, she shares why she believes The Woodlands is a special place worth preserving:

“The Woodlands is special, it’s our hometown, but if we incorporate, it will change our community forever,” she says. “It’s risky and rushed and expensive.” You can watch her video, which launched this week. CLICK HERE.