Open Letter to The Woodlands from Former Montgomery Co. Judge Alan Sadler
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Open Letter to The Woodlands from Former Montgomery Co. Judge Alan Sadler
Dear Residents and Business Owners:
There has been much written and discussed regarding the issue of incorporating The Woodlands as a City rather than maintaining our current status as a Township.
The truth is, I have yet to hear a single, compelling reason why residents and businesses would trade the proven, successful model we have as a Township for something that is much bigger in size, scope, cost and authority.
Since when has this community wanted bigger government?
Having been elected six times as your County Judge (1991-2015), I can tell you the incorporation plan and budget created by The Township is unrealistic.
Make no mistake, incorporation will cost residents and businesses a great deal in higher taxes and fees. That becomes crystal clear when you consider that as a city, The Woodlands would need to assume ownership and provide costly services such as a municipal court system, animal control, permits and inspections, street and bridge maintenance, and the big one, law enforcement.
For instance, The Woodlands has expensive concrete streets and bridges that cost substantially more money to maintain. What the incorporation plan has projected for maintaining them is woefully inadequate. In fact, the budget calls for spending more on landscaping than actual road repair.
Today, Montgomery County and Harris County provide The Woodlands with the finest, most reliable law enforcement. Contrary to Township claims, creating a police department from scratch cannot be done without substantial tax increases or severe cuts in law enforcement services.
Why change the very foundations that make our resident-led, limited-government, low-tax system possible?
And why would we jeopardize our public safety?
Incorporating as a city would be risky, rushed and expensive.
Please vote AGAINST bigger government, vote AGAINST tax increases, vote AGAINST incorporation!
Alan B. Sadler
Montgomery County Judge, Ret., 1991-2015